How Much Can You Make Re-Selling Old Homeschool Curriculum?

Have you ever wondered how much money you could make by reselling old homeschool curriculum books? Well, in this post, I'm diving deep into the world of reselling and uncovering the potential for a 50-80% moneyback opportunity. Imagine the extra cash you could have in your pocket!

Many parents have hundreds of dollars worth of old homeschool curricula gathering dust in their back rooms.

They could sell this for a great profit!

Check out this mom who regularly sells her curriculum for 30-70% of what she paid for them.

This mom resold her old homeschool curriculum and made this much.

Or this one who makes 50-80% of the cost price back. Even sometimes 100%!

This mom resold her old homeschool curriculum and made this much.

These success stories show that it's not just a possibility but a reality.

But there are some tips to selling homeschool curriculum that you have to know before listing your items.

Don't worry, I'm here to guide you through it.

I'm going to tell you those tips in this post.

Hey there, my name is Rebecca Devitt.

I was homeschooled myself a few decades ago, and now I'm homeschooling my two children, Luke and Penny.

As a curriculum expert, I've spent thousands of hours researching homeschool questions, such as how much you can make reselling old homeschool curriculum programs.

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1. How profitable is reselling an old homeschool curriculum?

Let's start by considering whether reselling your curriculum will waste time or profit you considerably.

I asked this question in a homeschooling forum, and out of 12 answers, 10 people said it was worth it.

But there were a lot of qualifying statements involved.

Firstly, you'll usually only make a percentage back from what you paid for it (although one mom said she sometimes does make 100% of it back—well done to you!).

Secondly, the amount you recoup will depend on the condition of the curriculum you're reselling.

The better the condition, the more the money.

Thirdly, you have to make sure you're reselling popular curriculum.

Later in the article, I'll tell you which ones are popular.

Fourthly, you need to make sure you sell it in the right place.

Some platforms are pretty useless, while others are much more successful!

Fifthly, if you live in a state where most people are using a charter or have scholarships, it can be difficult to resell your old curriculum locally.

That's because everyone is buying their program new.

2. Tips and strategies for successful reselling of old homeschool curriculum.

Next, are there any tips you need to know before reselling your homeschool curriculum?

A year ago, I whacked my homeschool curriculum up online and tried to sell it.

You know what I got?


And very quiet ones at that.

I realized that, even though I was offering a brand new homeschool program, no one was going to buy it because I live in Australia, and homeschooling isn't as popular as in the United States.

Also, no one was going to buy it because I was selling a curriculum that wasn't very popular.

Sell in the Right Places

So my first tip for you is that you need to sell in the right places.

These 'right places' could be specific Facebook groups for the homeschool curriculum you're trying to sell, local homeschool co-ops, or even homeschool conventions.

A few parents commented that if you get into these specific groups, selling your program will be much more successful, because you know everyone on that platform is interested in that curriculum.

Consider Your Extra Costs

Secondly, consider your overheads.

By 'overheads, 'I mean the additional costs involved in selling your curriculum, such as eBay and PayPal fees.

Some moms use eBay.

This can be good, but the overheads from eBay and PayPal fees can chew into your profit, making the venture not worth it in the end.

Shipping Costs

Thirdly, consider shipping costs.

Shipping your curriculum can cost as much as you might make on it.

This is why, if you can, try to sell locally—then you won't have any shipping fees at all!

Sell What They Want

Fourthly, sell popular curriculum.

This is probably the biggest factor of all.

By 'popular,' I mean a curriculum that is in high demand and widely used by homeschooling families.

If people already want the curriculum, they often find a way to purchase it second-hand.

Then your listing comes up - bingo!

What curriculum is popular?

Well, the parents on the forums said they've had great success reselling old Masterbooks, Generations, Abeka, and BJU Press material.

3. Platforms where viewers can start reselling old homeschool curricula themselves.

But now that you've figured out what curriculum you can make money reselling, what platforms will be most successful?

As we mentioned, eBay is an option, but you need to factor in sales fees from eBay and PayPal.

Next, you can sell locally on Facebook Marketplace.

This is an excellent option because you don't have any shipping fees like you do with eBay.

Also, you can sell specific curriculum pages on Facebook.

For example, you could resell the old Masterbooks curriculum on this Facebook page below:

There are also huge homeschool curriculum sell/exchange pages!

You know the buy intent is high when you go to these pages.

The people in these groups actively want you to post your curriculum so they can buy it.

So why not help them out?

You know what, though?

Sometimes, buying a second curriculum is a hassle.

You might get some books, but you need to buy others new.

How annoying.

You can avoid all that by using a free homeschool curriculum program.

But what are your options if you want to do that?

Watch the video below to see these free picks.


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