Veritas Press Homeschool Review: Best (and Worst) Parts!

Ever met a kid who’s too smart for their age?

You know the type—the kid who casually drops words like "ergo" and "fallacious argument" into conversations like it's no big deal.

I always thought classical education turned kids into walking encyclopedias with zero social skills.

Until I met a Veritas Press graduate... and let’s just say, my assumptions got schooled HARD.

Veritas Press curriculum for homeschool includes live lessons.

What is Veritas Press?

If you’re looking for a solid classical Christian homeschool program but don’t want to accidentally raise a know-it-all who can recite Aristotle but can’t hold a normal conversation, you’re in the right place.

Veritas Press is one of the most well-known classical homeschool programs out there.

By the end of this post, you’ll know exactly what you’re getting with Veritas, how much it costs, and if it’s the right fit for your family.

Plus, if you do the free consultation, you can see if you can get it for free (more info down below on that).

Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum = Ordering at a Fancy Restaurant

You want something solid and nourishing, but then you’re handed a 27-page menu in French, and suddenly, you’re panicking.

Traditional curriculum?



And why is there so much Latin involved?!

Don't worry, I’ve got you.

Let’s break Veritas down into bite-sized, easy-to-digest pieces so you can decide if it’s the right fit for your homeschool.

Does Veritas Work? Here’s What I Saw

That Veritas graduate I met?

He was 17, a deep thinker, articulate, knew history better than Google—but the kicker? He was also a fantastic listener.

He didn’t interrupt. Didn’t say "like" every two seconds.

His responses were thoughtful and well-spoken.

I was floored.

He wasn’t just intelligent; he was wise.

And THAT is what classical education is supposed to do—train kids to think, reason, and communicate well.

The History Omnibus series with Veritas is a popular homeschool option for history!

The History Omnibus series with Veritas is a popular homeschool option for history!

How Veritas Works: The 3 Options

Veritas Scholars Academy (the accredited version) has an insane success rate—graduates consistently get full-ride college tuition scholarships (average of $54,000 in 2022!).

And homeschoolers get the exact same education.

So, let’s break it down:

1. The Good ($750-$930 in 1st grade)

✔ Full-year curriculum (all subjects)

✔ Self-paced courses (pre-recorded, flexible schedule)

✔ 100% parent-taught

2. The Better ($870-$1090 in 1st grade)

✔ Everything in Good

✔ Scripted lesson plans

✔ Additional curriculum for deeper learning

✔ Materials for live online courses (starting in 3rd grade)

Live courses NOT included (must buy separately)

3. The Best ($1200-$1500 in 1st grade)

✔ Everything in Good & Better

✔ Even more materials for live courses

Live courses STILL extra

For K-1st grade, you only get the You-Teach curriculum (no live/self-paced courses yet).

The one exception?

The Memory Period live course for 2nd graders, helping them transition into live classes.

Starting in 3rd grade, they can take a full course load online.

What Does Veritas Cover?

✔ Bible

✔ Geography

✔ Grammar

✔ Writing

✔ History

✔ Reading

✔ Math

Huge emphasis on Latin & Greek

This is a robust and rigorous curriculum—so don’t say I didn’t warn you!

(Learning Latin & Greek isn’t just about sounding fancy—it’s like having the ultimate decoder ring for the English language. It makes high-level careers in medicine, law, and engineering way less intimidating because those massive, technical words finally make sense.)

What About Pricing?

As your child moves up in grades, costs jump because from 3rd grade onward, live courses are extra.

Self-Paced = Affordable

LIVE = Premium price (Expect around $700 per live course!)


Because live lessons aren’t just a one-and-done video.

They’re interactive, with real teachers and classmates.

For most subjects, all grading and tests are done by the teacher.

Good News for Australian Homeschoolers!

Veritas isn’t just for Americans anymore!

They now offer time-zone-specific live classes just for Aussies!

No more 3 AM history lessons (unless you’re into that kind of thing).

Biggest Downside? The Price.

It’s not cheap.

But if outsourcing even one or two subjects gives you more time for your younger kids—or if there’s a subject you really don’t want to teach—it might be worth it.

How to Get Veritas for Free!

Feeling overwhelmed? Do the free consultation (linked here).

Most parents who do this end up buying less, not more. Skipping it often leads to overbuying.

Some states will actually cover the cost of Veritas for you!

So before ordering, check if your state will foot the bill—and book a free consultation.

What About High School?

Want an accredited diploma or even college credit while homeschooling?

Veritas has something for that too!

It’s called Veritas Dual Enrollment, and it lets high schoolers take accredited courses that count toward college.

And yes, I have a whole post on that too!

Check it out if you don’t like wasting money on college when you could’ve gotten credits for free. 😉

but think about this…

So…Veritas Press is a high-quality, rigorous classical Christian homeschool curriculum that produces outstanding results.

But it's also a serious commitment—both financially and academically.

✔ If you love classical education and want a strong academic foundation, this might be perfect for your family.

✔ If you need a more relaxed, hands-off approach, Veritas might feel too intense.

✔ If you hate Latin, well... good luck.

At the end of the day, the best way to know is to try it—and take advantage of their free consultation before making a big purchase.

If you’ve used Veritas Press, I’d love to hear from you! What was your experience like?

Drop a comment below!


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